Influental Marketing Standards - The Marketing Circle

Digital Marketing is the standard today for marketing and advertising. The circle is so powerful it takes information from a previous circle and feeds it to the next for step-by-step growth.
Clarify who you are, what you do, and problems you solve through benefits and features.
The largest and most time consuming of all the steps it is also the most important. Consumer today can research and become influential with either negative or positive feedback. How you handle both is vital to your brand. Social media rules change every day, keeping current helps you keep the edge over your competitors.

Inspiration and Education
The is the fun part of marketing, it is where you give consumers something to research and follow. Think like your demographic and you will become influential in your industry.
Consumer Conversion
Inbound traffic is acquired through both paid and non-paid techniques. Find your balance between the two for the highest ROI.
Evaluation and Agile
If you followed the above pathway you should have an increase of over 50% in your ROI.
Time to review and start again.

Best Influential Marketing Overview

Company Vision

Knowing where you are and where you are going.

What are the goals of your company for the short and long term. 3 months, 6 months and 1 year.

Value Proposition

Think in terms of Benefit

Marketing is now a pull campaign. This changes the way we define our plans. Benefit is essential to attract.

Setting Goals

Define Your plan by step-by-step goals

Don't throw marketing into the wind. Define step-by-step processes that end at consumer conversion.

Define Budgets

Set a financial limit per conversion before you start

Set up your budgets in amount allowed, and then take you trend reports and break down the best ROI for each outlet.

Defining Your Products

  • Keywords Reports

    Do you know the industry in your Geographical location (could be an online geography as well).

    Knowing the highest ranking keywords based upon trends starts your research.

  • Trend Reports

    Research the trends based upon your highest ranking keywords.

  • Insights Reports

    Know you know your ranked keywords and how they fit in your geographical location, its time to find out about the consumer with insights reports.

Business Integrated Recovery though Marketing Strategy

Keyword Reports

Research up to 10 keywords for your industry and 10 for each individual product. You may be surprised by suggestions

Marketing Trend Reports

Find the trends in your geography for each of your keywords. This gives you insight into success ratios.

Insights Reports

This is all about your consumers. Take previous research and put it in front of people. Move this info over to your communications.